I have started to record my audiobook, and it's hard work. I record in two-hour Zoom sessions with my audiobook producer who is located in London. So far, we have recorded half of the book in two sessions with three more sessions to go.

My goal all along was to create a book that portrays me and who I am today as a lawyer, retired naval flight officer, and leader.
My book's cover reveal got rave reviews. Thank you to all who left positive comments on that LinkedIn post. That post g0t 559 likes and over 215 comments.
I worked closely with my publisher to ensure my vision was captured on the cover design.
I think we hit the mark!
For the audiobook, I chose to narrate it myself. Self-narration and hiring "voice talent" cost about the same, and perhaps a professional' reader could do a better job than me, but it's my book, and I want the readers to hear my voice.
I am putting the finishing touches on my exclusive book website www.markcfava.com. Check it out.
You can even pre-order my book now on the Amazon and the Barnes & Noble websites.
The book will be released on January 28, 2025. It will have a 2025 copyright date.
We are waiting until then for a few reasons. First, to get through the noise of the election cycle and then the joy of the holidays. Second, to get the hardback books in the supply channel and distribution system. Finally, to kick off the New Year with a strong pre-order and marketing campaign to try to become an Amazon bestseller.
I must admit that when I first saw my book on Amazon here, it was an incredible feeling.
Here's what's ahead: I will be sharing my book unboxing video. That's a huge deal for any author, especially for their first book. The moment when the author's allotment of books arrives at their house in a brown shipping box, and you open the box and see and touch the real thing.
Next, on October 22, I will learn whether I was selected to present my book in Austin, Texas next March at SXSW. That would be amazing! I sure hope I get selected.
Thank you again for joining my list and following me here.
Here is a sneak preview of the entire cover jacket - front and back - with three of my blurbs on the back. I really like that spine, too! Can't wait to see it on a store bookshelf or at my local library.
